Ute Klaphake, Dierk Jensen, Karin Lüdemann
Reichtum ernten - Harvesting a Fortune
Vielfalt im Gemüsebeet - Diversity in the Vegetable Patch
19,95 EUR [D]
ISBN: 978-3-440-11282-3
Art.-Nr. 11282
24,8 x 23,5 c, (LxB).
„Diversity can only be achieved by many people in a variety of regions.” Formerly each region had its own vegetable varieties. Today supermarkets only offer uniform cultivars. Many local varieties are distinct on our fields and vegetable patches. Who knows local varieties like East Frisian Palm, Rose of Bern, or Stalky of Kassel? But they still exist – and behind each of these rare varieties you find very individual stories and people who are passionately addicted to rear almost forgotten varieties. Find out more about these unimposing preservers of biological diversity, about the background of sowing technique and culture, and how you can cultivate and conserve vegetable diversity on your own.