Freelance contribution to WWF Fish & seafood guide
Document available on request…
IfAF (2009): Interim Report: Investigation of fish abundance and distribution during the construction phase of the offshore wind farm "alpha ventus". On behalf of "Deutsche Offshore Testfeld- und Infrastrukur GmbH & Co KG" (DOTI), 40 pp., unpublished.
ARFOBIG (2009):
Report of fish abundance and distribution for the offshore wind farm
project "GAIA III". On behalf of "Biologisch landschaftsökologische
(biola)". 53 pp., unpublished.
ARFOBIG (2009):
Survey Report of fish abundance and distribution for the offshore wind
farm project "GlobalTech II". On behalf of "Biologisch
landschaftsökologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft"
(biola). 57 pp., unpublished.
ARFOBIG (2009): Survey Report of fish abundance and distribution for the offshore wind farm project "SeaWind II". On behalf of
"Biologisch landschaftsökologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft" (biola). 57 pp., unpublished.
Freelance contribution to "WWF Fish & seafood guide 2009" (WWF Germany)
IfAF (2006): Wind farm project "Gode Wind",
Amendement: Importance for the international fishing fleets. On behalf
of Plambeck Neue Energien AG, 20 pp., unpublished.
(2005): Report on the importance of the area of the offshore wind farm project "Gode
Wind" for the fishing fleet. Baseline Survey Year 1. On behalf of Plambeck Neue
Energien AG, 30 pp., unpublished.
IfAF (2005): Report on the importance of the area
of the offshore wind farm project "Global Tech I" for the fishing
fleet. Baseline Survey Year 2. On behalf of
Nordsee Windpower GmbH & Co KG, 23 pp., unpublished.
(2003): Report on the importance of the area of the offshore wind farm
project "ENOVA
OFFSHORE NORTH SEA WINDPOWER" for the fishing fleet, Baseline Survey
Year 1. On behalf of ENOVA Energieanlagen GmbH, 35 pp., unpublished.
LINEAS Consulting (2003): Report on the
importance of the area of the offshore wind farm project "Global
Tech I" for the fishing fleet. Baseline Survey Year 1. On behalf of
Nordsee Windpower GmbH & Co KG, 36 pp., unpublished.
LINEAS Consulting (2002): Report on the
importance of the area of the offshore wind farm project "Borkum
Riffgrund" for the fishing fleet. Baseline Survey Year 1. On behalf of:
Plambeck Neue Energien AG, 30 pp., unpublished.
LINEAS Consulting
(2002): Report on the importance of the area of the offshore wind farm
project "Amrumbank West" for the fishing fleet. Baseline Survey, Year 1.
On behalf of Amrumbank West GmbH, 25 pp., unpublished.
Hagge, A., K. Lüdemann & Thiel, H. (1998): Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von technischen Maßnahmen zur Förderung natürlich-dynamischer Prozesse am Beispiel von künstlichen Salzwasserlagunen an der deutschen Nordseeküste. - Schr.-R. f. Landschaftspfl. u. Natursch. 56: 263-281.
Lüdemann, K., Hagge, A. & Peters, C.-P. (1993-1997): Hydrobiological investigations in "Beltringharder Koog" and in the adjacent Wadden Sea: Annual Reports 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997. Reports of the University of Hamburg on behalf of ALW Husum, unpublished.
Berghahn, R., K. Lüdemann & Ruth, M. (1995): Differences in individual growth of newly settled 0-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the intertidal of neighbouring Waden Sea areas. Neth. J. Sea Res. 34: 131-138.
Berghahn, R., K. Wiese & Lüdemann, K.
(1995): Physical and physiological aspects of gear efficiency in North
Sea brown shrimp fisheries. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 49: 507-518.