

Project management

Acquisition • Concept development • Organisation • Project execution

Projects in the natural science and engineering consist of complex project structures requiring managers with varying competencies. Each project has its own dynamic and requires individualised solutions. Critical aspects can be identified at an early stage through a structure and proven approach.

The conclusion of a project that is both, excellent in form and content and in due time, provides the clients with a reliable base to obtain subsequent funding.


Capabilities that I can offer


The Benefits to you

Evaluation of prospects for contract awards and realisation of a project


Third party independent opinion

Definition of project proposals based on current problems; formulation of project applications


Access to years` experience

Drafting of concepts for project execution


Define due date for accurate future planning

Project management including setup of work breakdown structures, time management, and cost budget


Conclusion of project in due time

Processing of aspects with regard to content: data evaluation, presentation of results, structure and layout of reports


Outsourcing of work packages

Preparation of reports on expenditure of funds


Exemption of project execution from organisation

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Karin Lüdemann